1 the depth of happiness
Most people believe short term happiness is the only goal in life but we undervalue long term happiness at every step and turn. I have looked at my own goals and internalised my thought processes and come up with what I believe makes me happy. Now there are people out there who can drain you of this happiness and can suck it from you, but there are ways and tricks to stop this from happening one is to train in meditation. It is a great tool to combating negative forces, your energy belongs to you and no one has the right to take it any religion that tells you other wise is lying to your face.
Internal peace comes from a source of understanding your own thought processes.
What can be understood is that we control these thoughts its only the negative influences that exist in objects people and places that can effect your equilibrium in the short term. Your garden and home reflect your mind that the beauty of the well being is based on how we feel, I have felt that the reasons for this are internalised and hardwired from the moment but if you step back and wait that negative moment will pass and you will come into a better path that was created the moment you choose not to react negatively.
Inside perception is based on what you think about yourself and that reflects everything else around you, it all depends on your thoughts the inner self deserves more credit than you give it for. If the inner self speaks to you it is your conscious self that is leading the way and not the other way around.