1 give yourself so seriously
2 don't take yourself so seriously
3 don't self ruminate
4 don't compare
5 make adjustments
6 be of service and know how to take care of yourself
7 choose up lifting friendships
8 be less interested in being happy and more interested in your peace of mind
9 use your senses
10 don't make your intimate relationships the end all and be all
Permission to be who you are permission to laugh big, to cry when you need to, to fall brilliantly, to make stuff permission to fall apart breakdown, and get back up again, permission to be different to be different and unique all onto your own, permission to go too far and reach your dreams.
Hold yourself with a light hand "laugh at your foibles with amusement.
When things get tough or stress arises, lift your shoulders with an "oh well...know that it's never as big as or life devastating as your mind thinks."
Happy people trust that whatever glitch happens will work itself out.
They give a haha and so what who cares, big deal why not when met with resistances.
I remember I learned happy people don't fixate on themselves and their problems. They don't over analyse the issue du jour. When they start to get stuck on a problem or in their head, they put their attention on something else.
I remind myself to not have it all figured out get outside, go back to your work plan something fun.
Comparison has been compared to a little death (petite morte)when we compare ourselves to others we harm ourselves. Happy people know that they're no better or less then another person. Someone will always at a more evolved place and someone will always be less evolved but every one can learn more by choice only no one can make that change for you. Be concerned with only how to do your best and that's all. Devote yourself to a greater purpose than yourself and you will shine. Thank you for reading.