Legends of cats and witchcraft have origins in ancient Egypt. The cat was revered in ancient Egypt, condemned in the Middle Ages and has been credited for having a connection to other realms. In Bubastis, cats were thought to be a Goddess incarnate and where treated as such. Throughout ancient Egyptian history, felines were often worshipped. In fact many wall carvings and statues depict felines as Gods with humanoid characteristics. Anthropologists and such have always wondered why this was the case, well I'm about to explain it to you.
A very long time ago (B.C.) a group of advanced aliens travelled across the stars and dimensions and stumbled upon a planet we know today as Earth in a area known as Egypt whose population at that time consisted of very primitive humans. In an attempt to aid in the evolution of these primitive humans, the feline aliens introduced to them certain tools and technologies such as inter-dimensional travelling boats, aircraft and submarines. This allowed the primitive Egyptians to travel beyond unknown territory to discover new horizons, leading to an evolutionary leap in their spiritual and intellectual development a time when the Sirius Star system was close to our own allowing a golden age in earths history to emerge. Ancient Egyptian wall carvings indicate that these primitive people had access to boats, aircraft and submarines. These means of travel were obviously brought to them by alien cat people. The Alien Cat People also introduced electricity to the primitive people, this allowed them to operate during the night and in dark caves, leading to new discoveries.
When the Alien Cat People were done with the Egyptians, they returned to their home planet. The Egyptians were so thankful that they produced statues and wall carvings of their Cat Gods in appreciation of the gifts they had given them. The Alien Cat People come from different star systems such as Lyran and Sirius. Their appearance resembles the feline Kingdom on our planet. They do not like to be referred to as Cat people they are humanoids who have catlike qualities. They are agile, they possess tremendous physical strength and they are extremely intelligent and spiritual. Due to their advanced spiritual development, the Alien Cat People have supernatural psychic abilities and they operate primarily on the higher dimensions(perhaps the 5th or 6th dimension). They are here to watch over us, and to aid us in our spiritual development and evolution. There are evil entities that have taken over our world and the Alien Cat People are one of the many forces that oppose them.
Thank you for reading, stay true.
Photos by Thundercats and Space Cats (@scatsx)