The Sleeper must awake you must be born again as your spirit-being and wake up to the fact that you are not really only human or you will never see with your awakened spiritual eye sight the Kingdom of God and you will not enter. The common house cat is a descendant of the Africa Wild Cat species (Felis Lybica). History tells us that the domesticated cat chose man-not the other way around. A cats eating patterns in domestic settings can be unsettling for owners some cats have been. The common house cat is a descendant of the Africa Wild Cat species (Felis Lybica). History tells us that the domesticated cat chose man-not the other way around. A cats eating patterns in domestic settings can be unsettling for owners some cats have been known to ask for food dozens of times in a day some love to be out doors and some will hide hide away in cupboards on top of a fridge and in a box they love to be cosy at night. It's always lucky to be kind to a cat. The path of domestication started with man, who attracted a large rodent population, which in turn attracted cats. Based on the recovery of remains, cats association with man occurred around 9,500 years ago in the Fertile Crescent in the Middle East during the development of agriculture.Ancient Egyptians believed cats to be sacred animals, with many religious images, including many of their Gods being depicted in cat form. It was said to kill a cat was a crime punishable by death.
Legends of cats and witchcraft have origins in ancient Egypt. The cat was revered in ancient Egypt, condemned in the Middle Ages and has been credited for having a connection to other realms. In Bubastis, cats were thought to be a Goddess incarnate and where treated as such. Throughout ancient Egyptian history, felines were often worshipped. In fact many wall carvings and statues depict felines as Gods with humanoid characteristics. Anthropologists and such have always wondered why this was the case, well I'm about to explain it to you.
A very long time ago (B.C.)a group of advanced aliens travelled across the stars and dimensions and stumbled upon a planet we know today as Earth in a area known as Egypt whose population at that time consisted of very primitive humans. In an attempt to aid in the evolution of these primitive humans, the feline aliens introduced to them certain tools and technologies such as inter-dimensional travelling boats, aircraft and submarines. This allowed the primitive Egyptians to travel beyond unknown territory to discover new horizons, leading to an evolutionary leap in their spiritual and intellectual development a time when the Sirius Star system was close to our own allowing a golden age in earth's history to emerge. Ancient Egyptian wall carvings indicate that these primitive people had access to boats, aircraft and submarines. These means of travel were obviously brought to them by alien cat people. The Alien Cat People also introduced electricity to the primitive people, this allowed them to operate during the night and in dark caves, leading to new discoveries.
When the Alien Cat People were done with the Egyptians, they returned to their home planet. The Egyptians were so thankful that they produced statues and wall carvings of their Cat Gods in appreciation of the gifts they had given them. The Alien Cat People come from different star systems such as Lyran and Sirius. Their appearance resembles the feline Kingdom on our planet. They do not like to be referred to as Cat people they are humanoids who have catlike qualities. They are agile, they possess tremendous physical strength and they are extremely intelligent and spiritual. Due to their advanced spiritual development, the Alien Cat People have supernatural psychic abilities and they operate primarily on the higher dimensions(perhaps the 5th or 6th dimension). They are here to watch over us, and to aid us in our spiritual development and evolution,there are evil entities that have taken over our world and the Alien Cat People are one of the many forces that oppose them.
Thank you for reading, stay true. known to ask for food dozens of times in a day some love to be out doors and some will hide hide away in cupboards on top of a fridge and in a box they love to be cosy at night. It's always lucky to be kind to a cat. The path of domestication started with man, who attracted a large rodent population, which in turn attracted cats. Based on the recovery of remains, cats association with man occurred around 9,500 years ago in the Fertile Crescent in the Middle East during the development of agriculture.Ancient Egyptians believed cats to be sacred animals, with many religious images, including many of their Gods being depicted in cat form. It was said to kill a cat was a crime punishable by death.
Legends of cats and witchcraft have origins in ancient Egypt. The cat was revered in ancient Egypt, condemned in the Middle Ages and has been credited for having a connection to other realms. In Bubastis, cats were thought to be a Goddess incarnate and where treated as such. Throughout ancient Egyptian history, felines were often worshipped. In fact many wall carvings and statues depict felines as Gods with humanoid characteristics. Anthropologists and such have always wondered why this was the case, well I'm about to explain it to you.
A very long time ago (B.C.), a group of advanced aliens travelled across the stars and dimensions and stumbled upon a planet we know today as Earth in a area known as Egypt whose population at that time consisted of very primitive humans. In an attempt to aid in the evolution of these primitive humans, the feline aliens introduced to them certain tools and technologies such as inter-dimensional travelling boats, aircraft and submarines. This allowed the primitive Egyptians to travel beyond unknown territory to discover new horizons, leading to an evolutionary leap in their spiritual and intellectual development a time when the Sirius Star system was close to our own allowing a golden age in earths history to emerge. Ancient Egyptian wall carvings indicate that these primitive people had access to boats, aircraft and submarines. These means of travel were obviously brought to them by alien cat people. The Alien Cat People also introduced electricity to the primitive people, this allowed them to operate during the night and in dark caves, leading to new discoveries.
When the Alien Cat People were done with the Egyptians, they returned to their home planet. The Egyptians were so thankful that they produced statues and wall carvings of their Cat Gods in appreciation of the gifts they had given them. The Alien Cat People come from different star systems such as Lyran and Sirius. Their appearance resembles the feline Kingdom on our planet. They do not like to be referred to as Cat people they are humanoids who have catlike qualities. They are agile, they possess tremendous physical strength and they are extremely intelligent and spiritual. Due to their advanced spiritual development, the Alien Cat People have supernatural psychic abilities and they operate primarily on the higher dimensions(perhaps the 5th or 6th dimension). They are here to watch over us, and to aid us in our spiritual development and evolution,there are evil entities that have taken over our world and the Alien Cat People are one of the many forces that oppose them.
Thank you for reading, stay true.unless you are prepared to be who you are meant to be.Believe me it takes courage and a lot of understanding, we always take life at face value and I believe it's one of the biggest challenges the human race face today.
How many times can we love do you know what you are actually touching and feeling, we perceive what is right what is love even when the person we chose to love is bad for us. Everyone sees them for what they are except you, and you wonder why does every one argue with them and you don't sometimes love is blind and we feel something is right for us at the time, usually we are right in thinking they where the love of our lives. How can they be when they where so horrible to you and tried to destroy you when they decided to leave you that's when you saw what they where really about and when you needed them most they where not there for you it shows you that it wasn't love.
I'm over that situation and I'm now going out with someone who really makes me happy and I can't believe my luck and what really gets me is how the human condition is. We always think the worst I think it's the way you programme your self that matters and if there's any one out there suffering from heart break I hope this helps you and you find someone better who deserves you. Because when I was at my lowest someone said to me "I deserve better." Well guess what I am better thanks for the absence of concern in your selfish voice. I am better and happier than ever.
So back to the Scifi explanation, you must overcome your fear then there is nothing they can do to you, for you have made peace with life and they can't hurt you anymore let me tell you there are evil people out there who will destroy your life if you give them the chance but there are also good people out there and that's what counts well I can tell you from working with actors that sometimes your starring at a 28 year old but get the feeling your talking to someone with the emotional range and understanding of a fourteen year old. Never listen to criticism for they don't know the real you they see only what you want them to see and a biased opinion means nothing to me. Remember when some one dislikes you nothing you say or do will change that, a horrible and twisted person is like that for a reason and it's not for you to judge.
So feel happy with your inner self and attract the best in life.
Stay True
Thanks for reading.