Amidst intensely turbulent times,so many of us today are feeling the urgent call to make changes that will create a brighter future for us all. Yet however much we may want to save the world or fix what's wrong,the truth remains that we can only change the world by changing ourselves, Inner transformation is the key to outer change.
Essentially, the ten lessons are about taking responsibility for our own evolutionary growth because only an awakened being can bring light to the world and be an effective agent of change. As we stand on the brink of a monumentally pregnant moment in the history of humanity, my invitation is that you join the inner revolution that can give birth to a radically new you and a radically new world.
A brief outline of the Ten spiritual lessons
To recognise that we are solely responsible for both our happiness and our unhappiness transforms our internal paradigm shift from victim to becoming a master of our inner world. The power to make a conscious choice in how we respond to life is the foundation for the flowering of a new consciousness.
Always try to take some time out of your daily life, I have bumped into many people who have told me I'm really stressed out and I get irritated by everything.For me that's a clear sign that you need to reach clarity.One of the great things about travelling is that you begin to notice that people basically want the same things out of life. A mother in India wants the same things for her children as a mother in Russia. Human beings all want to be loved, to be safe, to be healthy, to have shelter, to have food to eat and so on. Sometimes we get so focused on the exterior differences that we forget that all of us. Share 99.99% of the same DNA.We are more alike then we are different. Clarity comes when these beliefs disappear and what you really see is what is real and all that is left.
Life is what believe it to be
There is no set formula to what makes a successful life. For life is what you make out of it.If you focus on what you want to do then it will come to pass in a way that will gently surface ,don't force it to manifest and don't place it in a negative place. The minute we free ourselves from self-imposed limitations, we are free to achieve anything we want.
People are Mirrors
When you see something in some one else and you are immediately connected to it ,what we see in that person is a reflection of what what we know exists in ourselves. Then also you could just merely view someone else and just have an observation with emotional connection so some people are mirrors of how you know your life could be.
Fear is poison
Fear is poison because it is so limiting you can achieve nothing while you under its control ,when you start to fear everything in your life you can't achieve nothing so keep it out of your equation by learning meditation yoga going for walks swimming reading anything except listening to the words of fear.
Life is about Love
Love is the antidote for life is all about love , the love I speak of is not the erotic kind you fantasise about in the movies or on TV, it's an unconditional love that comes from a higher source and enters your bodies. Nothing gets in the way of love, love is a powerful emotion, love is what enables people to perform miracles and wonders.
People do things for a reason
This is all about cause and effect everyone has their own motives and desires for what they do, and when you understand why they do bad things you feel compassion for them and understand them better if it is someone close to you, never judge them just let them continue and they will discover the error of their ways and try to better themselves, not everyone's time is the same they can only improve when the time is right and it is not for you to decide, but be there if they need you.
You are God
I believe that there is a higher power at work at all times. That said, I also have come to learn that we are just like the star wars trailer, "the force is strong in my family, my father has it I have it, my sister has it, you have it too." For in us all is a spark of the Creator the Divine in all of us. So you have that choice to create a good life or a life of suffering, everything you do creates a ripple effect no action goes unnoticed so choose wisely.
People cause evil to exist by choice
Bad things happen because people do nothing to stop it, people want free will but free will comes with a is called responsibility, if you want the world to be a more loving place, then be more loving and encourage others to want peace to imagine peace in a pure clean mindset you can create wonders.
Be present
Everything you do is an extension of you, their is no middle ground, the past can never be changed and the future is unknown so make the best of the moment you have now,
"Luck is when opportunity meets preparedness," so surround yourself with people who want to achieve something great as you also.
Thanks for reading
Stay True