Thursday, 23 April 2015

Ten spiritual lessons for a New World

Amidst intensely turbulent times,so many of us today are feeling the urgent call to make changes that will create a brighter future for us all. Yet however much we may want to save the world or fix what's wrong,the truth remains that we can only change the world by changing ourselves, Inner transformation is the key to outer change.

Essentially, the ten lessons are about taking responsibility for our own evolutionary growth because only an awakened being can bring light to the world and be an effective agent of change. As we stand on the brink of a monumentally pregnant moment in the history of humanity, my invitation is that you join the inner revolution that can give birth to a radically new you and a radically new world.

A brief outline of the Ten spiritual lessons
To recognise that we are solely responsible for both our happiness and our unhappiness transforms our internal paradigm shift from victim to becoming a master of our inner world. The power to make a conscious choice in how we respond to life is the foundation for the flowering of a new consciousness.

Always try to take some time out of your daily life, I have bumped into many people who have told me I'm really stressed out and I get irritated by everything.For me that's a clear sign that you need to reach clarity.One of the great things about travelling is that you begin to notice that people basically want the same things out of life. A mother in India wants the same things for her children as a mother in Russia. Human beings all want to be loved, to be safe, to be healthy, to have shelter, to have food to eat and so on. Sometimes we get so focused on the exterior differences that we forget that all of us. Share 99.99% of the same DNA.We are more alike then we are different. Clarity comes when these beliefs disappear and what you really see is what is real and all that is left.

Life is what believe it to be
There is no set formula to what makes a successful life. For life is what you make out of it.If you focus on what you want to do then it will come to pass in a way that will gently surface ,don't force it to manifest and don't place it in a negative place. The minute we free ourselves from self-imposed limitations, we are free to achieve anything we want.

People are Mirrors
When you see something in some one else and you are immediately connected to it ,what we see in that person is a reflection of what what we know exists in ourselves. Then also you could just merely view someone else and just have an observation with emotional connection so some people are mirrors of how you know your life could be.

Fear is poison
Fear is poison because it is so limiting you can achieve nothing while you under its control ,when you start to fear everything in your life you can't achieve nothing so keep it out of your equation by learning meditation yoga going for walks swimming reading anything except listening to the words of fear.

Life is about Love
Love is the antidote for life is all about love , the love I speak of is not the erotic kind you fantasise about in the movies or on TV, it's an unconditional love that comes from a higher source and enters your bodies. Nothing gets in the way of love, love is a powerful emotion, love is what enables people to perform miracles and wonders.

People do things for a reason
This is all about cause and effect everyone has their own motives and desires for what they do, and when you understand why they do bad things you feel compassion for them and understand them better if it is someone close to you, never judge them just let them continue and they will discover the error of their ways and try to better themselves, not everyone's time is the same they can only improve when the time is right and it is not for you to decide, but be there if they need you.

You are God
I believe that there is a higher power at work at all times. That said, I also have come to learn that we are just like the star wars trailer, "the force is strong in my family, my father has it I have it, my sister has it, you have it too." For in us all is a spark of the Creator the Divine in all of us. So you have that choice to create a good life or a life of suffering, everything you do creates a ripple effect no action goes unnoticed so choose wisely.

People cause evil to exist by choice
Bad things happen because people do nothing to stop it, people want free will but free will comes with a is called responsibility, if you want the world to be a more loving place, then be more loving and encourage others to want peace to imagine peace in a pure clean mindset you can create wonders.

Be present
Everything you do is an extension of you, their is no middle ground, the past can never be changed and the future is unknown so make the best of the moment you have now,

"Luck is when opportunity meets preparedness," so surround yourself with people who want to achieve something great as you also.

Thanks for reading

Stay True

What Ancient Man Knew

To many the stars beyond our night skies rarely get a thought. When there is much above if you took a little time to ponder their mysteries you would find in doing so the great stars would open up and show humanity the way. Even if those matching forces are bringers of good or bad tidings and in some cases it merely depends on the energy, it depends on the thoughts and deep emotions the stars are connecting with on the planet below.

Conjunctions of planets are very important to mans future survival for they foretell changes in human history. We are constructed, guided, connected and can not see it. The stars can tell of events in the past and the future and breath life or destruction into the planets of the multiverse.
Astrologers existed long ago before you or I even knew what was above and know now we have the technology to see the stars around our planet and beyond so maybe if you feel I'm not going to touch a telescope that would make me into a anorak type it's not true that's just the ignorant preprogrammed side of your brain telling you not to expand your own consciousness and understanding of where you really are in this world. You owe it to yourself to break that cycle and free your mind I know I sound like Morpheous from a popular Sci-Fi Movie but it's all true.

The Ancient Egyptians, Romans, Celts, Britons, Chinese, Greeks, Incas, Mayans built temples that would take into account the positioning of the stars and the sun alignment was very important to them. For they knew it connected the nature of the Cosmos directly to the Earth it is how they charted the Solstices and the Equinoxes to ensure they knew when to farm to fish and celebrate their own existence. They mapped out the stars and constellations reading signs and knowing the fore coming of events, much like the famous Mayan calendar.

Looking at a telescope simply makes you a human being who has simply chosen to wake up and follow your emotions to look beyond your own existence and search out a understanding of what you never cared to know the Cosmos. We as a race must realise that this is our God given right to observe the Stars and record what we see for your life will improve and the love and fulfilment you need will become stronger simply we are all connected stay true. Today with all the man made lights that cover the cities of the world that connection with the sky has been blotted out and we have created a blanket of self importance that has isolated your connection to stars. Simply turn off the lights in your home at night and go out into your gardens and view the sky and see if you can re establish that connection.

Thank you for reading.

Friday, 17 April 2015

Why are Beards Cool?

Whenever I have a feeling that another acting job is coming along I always remember back to a day when I went to an audition for a beer commercial. When I got there, everything was fine until one of the casting directors said, "So what happened to your beard?"

I knew from that comment that I hadn't got the job.

It seems that having a beard and knowing how to maintain it is becoming a new weapon in an actor's arsenal. So, even if I'm not working on a current production, my beard is always ready for action. It’s helped me to achieve two roles so far this year. The list that follows details the good points of having a well-groomed beard.

- According to some ladies I asked, they are ‘sexy as hell’. It seems that a well-kept beard turns women on. Of course it has to match a well-dressed body (and throw in some tattoos for a winning formula).

- Some women also said they feel more secure with a man with a beard: ‘he is a protector and a provider, a man who will take charge’.

- According to other women it feels nice to the touch when it has reached its smooth phase and bypassed the prickly growth stage. One woman said his beard makes her man feel like a ‘cuddly pussy cat’.

- A beard was a symbol of status and wealth in the ancient times, the mark of a King. It has returned again in our era to provide a much needed boost to men's self-esteem. The beard is a mark of a man who is allowed to follow his heart. A long time ago, men weren't allowed to wear beards in battle in case it was used against him.

I asked some people a few questions about beards to find out what it means to them:

What do you like about beards?
I like beards because they feel nice and make people look like lumberjacks.

What's the best compliment your beard has received?
That's one powerful beard.

What inspires you about your beard?
The beard is an interpretation of man’s tendency to be lazy and primal. I keep my beard because it looks good on me.

What differences do you notice when you have a beard to when you don't?
I feel more confident with a beard, because it frames my face nicely, I get more female attention, and I can wear leather braces with anything and they still make sense."

How does not being able to grow a beard feel?
I've tried to grow a beard in the past, but it doesn't grow properly. And besides, it would be too much combined with my hair, as it’s long, I'd look like an animal.

What's the sexiest thing about beards?
The man who is wearing it. If the man is sexy, then the beard will follow in sexiness.

What do you like about beards?
Depends on who it is. Generally I like the look, but beards have become a fashion statement, neither good nor bad for me.

Judging from a lot of the answers I received, I would have to say that the beard is man’s God-given tool to use and abuse. It seems that is just a small piece of what makes the man. But, in truth, I think growing a beard is a good start to building a better man. A man who cares for his loved ones is a sign of a man of our times, rather than a fashion statement or a cuddlier version of a boyfriend. It is about a man who commands respect and finds the truth in himself to be the best man he can be, and if a bit of man hair on his face empowers him then who are we to judge?

Thursday, 9 April 2015

The Mysteries of Spirituality

The Mysteries of Spirituality
When I was first introduced to meditation years ago it was quite a scary experience. People were scared of me and thought it was weird but I believe, just like the De Lai Lama and Russell Brand, it is now acceptable. People are becoming more aware of their spirit and how it is important to living a healthy and balanced life, because you know something they don't. You're met with stupidity by those who are afraid of knowledge or change. Some people are biased and unwelcoming to the fact that you are studying something they already understand and would rather that you were still an ignorant human being with the social conditioning of an ape. As a race, we are afraid of what we do not understand and I believe a mind is a terrible thing to waste. That's why I would train in meditation on my own, sometimes for hours. Now I'm going to show you some signs that show your body is trying to communicate to you and that your spirit is trying to connect with you. See if any of these hold any truth for you.

Sleep Patterns
It can be said that a change in sleep patterns, restlessness, hot feet, waking up two or three times a night are the calling cards of spirituality trying to communicate with your being. Feeling tired after you wake up and often sleepy during the day are recurring signs that your body is evolving. Usually these types of ailments are attributed to illnesses and diseases, and can be confused for them. There is something called the Triad sleep pattern that occurs for many: you sleep for about 2-3 hours, wake again, and go back to sleep again. For others, sleep requirements have changed. You can get by on less sleep.

Lately I have changed. I have been experiencing huge waves of energy running into my body from the crown. It feels good, but it keeps me awake for a long time, then subsides. I am getting used to it and I've made peace with it. I don't worry about getting less sleep and you can too. You will be able to make it through the day if you hold thoughts of getting just what you need. You can also request your higher self to give you a break, and, now and then, to give you a good, deep night's sleep. If you can't go back to sleep right away, use the waking moments to meditate, read poetry, write in your journal or look at the moon. Your body will adjust to the new pattern.

Activity at the Crown of the Head
From my experience, the Chakras are really misunderstood by many. They believe that only those who chant mantra can achieve this state of Nirvana. This is not always the case. It really depends on the focused concentration of the individual. Tingling, itching, prickly, crawling sensations along the scalp and/or down the spine. A sense of energy vibrating on top of the head, as if energy is erupting from the head in a shower. The sensation of energy pouring in through the crown.

From a young age, I've felt that we were being guided by unseen forces, sometimes for good and sometimes for evil. It isn't necessarily an idea that all is as plain as everyone believes: that sometimes, your choices are simply in the grey region where you flow continuously following a stream that keeps you in the Central focus of your life. These sprinkles of energy which are almost experienced as pressure on the crown. In the past, I have felt more generalised pressure, as if my head is in a gentle thought process that has been experiencing huge downloads of energy through the crown. One man related that his hair stood on end and his body was covered with goosebumps. This is nothing to be alarmed about. What you are experiencing is an opening up to receive divine energy.

Sudden waves of emotion
I get this a lot. I'm mostly quiet and calm but, if I am very connected with the universe, I can feel the anger or the joy of the stars around us. Crying at the drop of a hat. Feeling suddenly angry or sad with little provocation, then inexplicably depressed. Then very happy. An emotional roller coaster. There is often a pressure or sense of emotions congested in the heart chakra (in the middle of the chest). This is not to be confused with the heart, which is located to the left of the chakra. I can say that this connection is a very real experience and it's something that can only be explained as the connections of the ancient human condition trying to break through and show you how your brain used to function. Accept your feelings as they come up and let them go. Go directly to your heart chakra and feel the emotion. Expand it outwards to your heart chakra and feel the emotion. Expand it outwards to all your fields and breathe deeply from the belly all the way up to your upper chest. Just feel the feeling and let it evaporate on its own. Don't direct the emotions at anyone. You are cleaning out your past. If you want some help with this, say out loud that you intend to release all these old issues and ask your Higher Power to help you.

Old stuff seems to be coming up, as described above, and the people with whom you need to work it out (or their clones of the problems are unresolved) appear in your life which creates completion issues, or perhaps issues of self worth, abundance, creativity or addictions. The resources or people you need to help you move through these issues start to appear. Additionally, don't get too involved in analysing these issues. Examining them too much will simply cycle you back through them over again at deeper and deeper levels. Get professional help if you need to and walk through it.

Changes in weight are an indication that you are freeing up emotions and painful memories, and they need to feel a great sense of closure and usually, when you can't feel pain anymore, when you think about them, your spirit has made peace with those events in your heart. Always release this energy. Use meditation, long walks, venture to places you have never been to before- visiting new places always cleanses the body and mind. The weight gain is a change in consciousness is due to fears surfacing in your body to be healed. We create a bulk against increasing frequencies in our bodies. Changes in eating habits are necessary for your healing process so follow your feelings on what to eat- always listen to your inner voice as to what the body needs. You find you are not as hungry as you used to be or you feel hungrier.

Food intolerance or strange allergies will arise as you are becoming more in touch with your other lives where those foods were not discovered or created in that time period. The application of the senses will amplify, you will hear noises and voices of the past, friends long gone in your lives they still exist but not on your plain anymore but your emotions will strengthen and you will feel other spirits and peoples thoughts and feelings.

A sight beyond sight, this means you will gain a strong sight that will enable you to see what you need in order to stay on a path you will have episodes of blurry vision,shimmering objects, seeing glittery particles, auras around people, plants, animals, and objects. Your hearing and enhanced senses of smell touch and taste and skin changes. Episodes of intense energy which make you want to leap out of bed and into action,

All I can say is, is any of these symptoms have occurred to you, then I believe your body is trying to show you it is ready to take this journey with you. Remember, as human beings, there is nothing wrong with expanding your mind and your consciousness.

Thank you for reading.